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Written readings

Written tarot readings can be a great gift and a way to look back on the reading. Sometimes we don’t have time to schedule a zoom call, so here you go!

Travel through the Eclipses

Travel through the Eclipses

Transformational Tarot Untitled design.png

Transformational Tarot


A year of Tarot Guidance

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Forecast for the year reading

A little burst of Tarot sunshine to your phone

A little burst of Tarot sunshine to your phone

E8B3A9CF-5975-4AB3-9894-0560E70F7C02 109B4926-14D0-454C-836A-54732F42F53D

A month of texts


Weekly wisdom


short-one question reading

FB824C42-42AF-4E10-9B44-924888554803 107484C1-030F-42DE-A1B1-96C645E8E401

Sister moon’s messages

8D6AF3B9-A879-472B-A002-A21465220739 02C6266B-3AA4-43F9-AA1A-FFD97EDE33F5

general reading

E73CA1BB-F762-4D22-B206-D4E46A7BE735 D0F8C6C8-24BB-4F84-8768-CDE4703594FE

Chakra and Tarot


Soulful Relationship Reading


Semi Private Tarot class
