Affirmations for the first line of the Major Arcana
This series of affirmations started as a weekly instagram post, but I wanted to put it all in one place. Take what you need and leave the rest as they say, but if they inspire you please enjoy!
The first line of the Major Arcana in the Tarot has to do with our own internal personal growth. We see the Fool as our innocent self, new and ready for the journey. This is us, ourselves-moving through the lessons in the Major Arcana. In this line we move from the Magician to the Chariot. Each with a different lesson and a different energy, each building on each other as we personally evolve.
The Fool
all images are the traditional rider waite deck unless otherwise noted
I am open to new adventures
If you fail, you have already won, because you tried in the first place!
I have support and unconditional love behind me
Jump! Go for it!
I can start from where I am
The magician card reminds us we are learning about the outside world and our powers. We see on the table all the tools of the minor arcana, and all the tools we need to have a beautiful life
The Magician
I am connected to heaven and earth
I understand the outside world and can affect the changes I need & want to make
I have all the tools I need
I am connected
The High Priestess is when we turn out gaze inward-the balance to the magician’s external power-she teaches us about our inner world, our psychic senses!
The High Priestess
I listen to my inner voice
My intuition guides me
My inward gaze meets the magicians outward gaze, and the dualities melt
The Empress
The Empress-feminine creativity-the mother of the deck who can birth into the world anything she chooses-she is luxurious and generous
I am creation.
Knowing that the world is abundant I lean in to my creativity and my life flows
I love the world and myself the way a mother loves her child, inclusive, comforting and fierce.
The Emperor
The Dad of the deck, he is stability, he is wisdom and strength
I create stability
I am the rock of my community
My success expands and grows others’ success
In this card we see the top figure ordaining the others, passing on the knowledge that they keep. This is a time for seeking those who have walked the path before us, someone we can learn from. Or conversely-maybe you are ready to be that teacher for others.
The Hierophant
I am ready to find my teacher
I am ready to share my knowledge
I have found my community that sees the world as I do and am ready to commit
We see the duality balanced here. A blessed union, fertility and love. This card can be about finding your soul mate that you can create a healthy bond with, or it can also be about making the right choices that mirror the best in you.
This card is from the After Tarot Deck
The Lovers
The choices I make reflect my soul’s light
The choices I make reflect my highest good
The choices I make reflect my the brightest and best parts of me
I share my love unconditionally with those who share with me
The Chariot
I have assimilated and grown with all the preceeding lessons
I am balanced
I am safe and ready for the next adventure
The Chariot, the last of our first line. Notice the balance. Notice he is not holding the reins. Notice the trust and strength in his gaze-this card shows we are ready to move to the next phase in our life-think Saturn return!
To see the next seven cards click here