The Moon card, and what it can share with us
The Moon
The moon, she is ever present, a reminder, like the cards, to take a moment, pause and find the light in dark moments. We can mimic her growth and change when we align with her energies.
The moon card shows us this same time to pause before we act, and to reflect what is in our subconscious. As we move through the major arcana of the tarot we see the soul’s ascension towards enlightenment-wholeness. This card falls at number 18 along the path -three steps away from the world where we see the completion of the soul’s work, and between the star and the sun card.
In the moon card we see a pool of water with the little lobster crawling out-showing us, reminding us of our climb towards enlightenment, self knowledge and growth. This little crustacean may also remind us that we are protecting a sensitive fragile internal world-in a sense hiding something behind a hard shell.
The dog and wolf represent our tamed and untamed selves- we all have these sides, our public sides, and our wild side-sometimes these are one in the same, and in my personal opinion we are happiest when we connect to that un-tamed side and are at peace with ourselves.
The moon card asks us to check in with this subconscious place. Are there fears that we are still holding onto that are unresolved? Are we in touch with our intuition and subconscious and do we lean into that for decisions-do we follow our gut?
The moon card is the card of the metaphysical and the healers of society. It is linked in a way to the High Priestess card. She is the card of intuition, and esoteric knowledge. The moon shows us we are now bringing this knowledge to the forefront and need to pay attention to it.
The moon card is also linked to the sun card which follows it. Light and dark in our lives, active and passive, and both help us to mark time in our lives. atever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
When we come upon the moon reversed it is an even stronger cue to truly listen, to avoid illusions, and avoid pushing things down further. The fact that the moon shows up in your reading means that this is something you are focusing on and are ready to face. Like anything in life, there are ways to deal with whatever is surfacing, sometimes we need a good long cry, a chat with a friend or therapist, a massage, some energy work. Whatever gives you that peace. Give that to yourself.
It is also interesting to note that when the card is upright the moon is waxing, and when reversed it is waning. Much like the triple goddess symbol I use in my logo, we have building/growth times, and we have declining/letting go times in our lives, in the minutiae of life, and in our entire lifetime on a grand scale. It is helpful to know where we are in this flow, to be able to allow us to nurture ourselves the way we need-rest when we need to, run and plan when we need to.
In Benebell Wen’s huge amazing book Holistic Tarot she gives us affirmations for each card. The one for the moon is: It’s not that I’m changing: it’s that I’m finally revealing. Emotion and intuition converge to guide me! Wow!! Couldn’t love that more!
This is the card for the sign of Pisces.
Lunar yoga ideas
Yoga can help us to move our energy and help us find balance and clarity. There are so many kinds of practices to help us stay balanced, healthy and connected, I urge you to do what works for you! But my background is in yoga, so I offer these ideas:
Yoga poses to help celebrate our connection to the moon:
We want to access the subconscious so we need to calm the mind-go within. A 5 minute meditation will help with that and is always a good place to start. Close your eyes and follow the breath. If you like, introduce a mantra: inhale/exhale is a decent one, but you could also get creative: for the Full Moon you can say “I choose to release (fill in the blank). For the New Moon: “I am (fill in the blank for your personal intention for the month). Make these short concise statements that you can come back to again and again.
For our asana practice I suggest a more restorative practice for the new/dark moon-go deep inside to find what it is you want to bring to fruition.
A simple short flow could be:
Crocodile - lay on your belly arms away from your body resting on the floor in a goddess or goal post shape
Sphynx- draw those arms in so you are resting on your forearms, your elbows are below your shoulders and your forearms are resting on the floor, fingers spread wide
Cobra- slide those hands so they are under your shoulders and lift forehead, chin and chest….you can hold here, or do a few lifts back and forth from floor to cobra - inhale while raising, exhale while lowering-keep the elbows in towards the body so you are really using your triceps here.
Child pose-shift your hips back over your heels and stretch your arms out in front
Bodhakanasa- sit up and bring the soles of your feet together- sit up tall and let your spine be straight and let your hips gently open as your knees slowly move towards the floor with gravity's help-don’t force anything, just let it happen.
Reclined bokhakanasa-keep your feet where they are and lay back.
For the full moon a more active practice, moving the energy so it is up and out!
Moon salutations are a great way to move energy. I plan to post a video of these sometime in the future, or I am sure someone has done it if you look on youtube.
But in the meantime hip openers that are supported should be included, these will help us dig deep and unearth things we need to release, while also feeling supported. Heart openers and balance poses will help also. Balance poses help to calm the mind and work the 6th and 7th chakras.
Other poses such as Half moon, heart openers and balance poses -we want to access the subconscious...supported hip openers to help unearth things, but with support such as figure 4, reclined pigeon, reclined bodhakanasana can also be included.
And on a final note, I am a big fan of baths- a time to reflect, be alone and let your stuff literally and figuratively go down the drain. Smudge yourself, and your bathroom, have a nice cup of tea or lemon water, draw yourself a bath and add ¼ cup epsom salt or himalayan salt, and if you like some essential oils-choose from the following:
Bergamont which is one of my favorite scents, helps us to feel loving towards ourselves, helps to raise our moods and helps to let go of anger, and feelings of loneliness and fear
Cedarwood helps to hold our ground, let go of meekness so we can find our voice
Geranium helps us let go of the need to please everyone
Lavender is my go to-helps to relax, and helps us let go of feelings of abandonment
(of course a quick google search will give you more options too)
When adding essential oils to the bath, remember to check for allergies/contraindications and to mix them with a little carrier oil such as olive, sesame or coconut, and then mix all with the salt before adding to the bath-this helps distribute the oil in the water.
I suggest smudging yourself, and your home in the above description of bathing-to do this: light a bundle of (ethically sourced) sage, a stick of palo santo, or some herbal bundle of your choice, and let the smoke waft through the home, and over yourself. When doing the home make sure that you do the doorways, and windows-all the thresholds so to speak. Keep one door or window slightly open so the energy can move and exit. And always practice fire safety, as you move through the home, have a large ashtray or shell under the smoking bundle or stick to catch any embers, and make sure all is extinguished when done.
If you would like to sign up for my free Minor Arcana class click here, upon completion you will be asked if you would like to sign up for the free class on the Major Arcana
If you want to dig even deeper I suggest:
The Tarot-History, Symbolism and Divination by Robert M. Place
The Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen