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Find your way back to yourself, gaining independence and empowerment with tarot.

Newsletter for Pisces Season

Tarot →

Reiki and Healing →

Book I love →

In the studio →

Happy Pisces Season!

Pisces Season is upon us starting the 19th, what do we need to know about this time of year? This is a season of deep feels, allow that/make space for it. Find some time to be alone and feel your feels. This is important because it is also a time of really being open to everyone’s feelings, which also may be exaggerated…see how we can get mired down if we are not careful? So make time for self care, and some quiet alone time to listen to yourself. And of course, listen to and heed your intuition.

I loved this article on pop sugar which shows you how this shift into Pisces will affect each sign. Read your sun, moon and rising sign to get an overall view. If you don’t already know your chart, you can head to astro cafe and run a free one, and I know some great astrologers if you need one!


The card for Pisces is The Moon. There is so much to discuss in this card: the crayfish, the dog and wolf howling at the moon, the path through the pillars you can learn more about this card in my blog-head here. In short tho, this card can be about the illusions we see and need to see through, and can also be about balancing our wild and domestic side.

Our exercise for this month: grab your deck, shuffle it well, then look for The Moon card. The card in front is your illusion, the card behind it is is how to see through that to reality.

Or the card in front can be your domestic self and the card behind it the wild side! Shuffle again and pull one card that will help you balance these two.

Reiki and Healing

Each astrological sign corresponds to a part of our body. Pisces influences our feet and our lymphatic system.

So how can we enhance and encourage the health of this part of our body?

We have talked about grounding in past newsletters. This month let’s look at easy inversions and colors and sound to help this!

An easy inversion is legs up the wall (there is a video of this on my instagram under the highlight self care, but it’s easy! Sit next to the wall and scooch your tush as close to the wall all as you can then roll so your legs go up the wall this helps to let the lymphatic system drain our lymphatic system has no pump so raising your legs up helps it to return to the heart easier, dead bug is another yoga pose that great- lay on your back and let your arms and legs reach towards the ceiling (visualize a dead bug on its back and you will see why this is the pose’s name!) pump or circle your feet if that feels good to get things moving

A pedicure or reflexology appointment is also always a good idea!

In the chakra system, red is the color of the first chakra which, when balanced gives us a sense of safety, trust and abundance. Wear red, red stones are great too in our jewelry!

Nice affirmations for this chakra are:

I am safe

I am abundance

I am stable, strong and rooted like a strong tree!

The seed sound for this chakra is Lam which you can chant!

Books I love

A little dive into why I love this concept, why we celebrate all the holidays and why I don’t always use capital letters!

Wabi-Sabi is the art of embracing imperfection, one might say this is also the idea behind eclectic decorating and life! I have often seen myself as an eclectic or chaos witch-variety and inclusivity is the spice of life after all!

Studio 42

I will be in town most of this month! Yay!

I am almost always available Monday through Thursday and Saturdays. You can book here!

I will be introducing memberships next month, to encourage commitment to our self care!

Stay tuned

Love you all!

Amy NovackComment