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Find your way back to yourself, gaining independence and empowerment with tarot.

Timing in Tarot readings.

Often in readings, people will ask when something will happen. How long will “xyz” take, when will I meet the man of my dreams…you get the idea.

Now in my mind and my experience that is a hard thing to predict. Basically because we have free will and when it’s asked in a reading about love, well, then …there’s two peoples’ free will involved, and we certainly don’t want to take that from anyone. Especially someone we have the hots for.

So, what can the tarot tell us? It can tell us a range of times. And can tell us best ways to navigate the situation. Often the answer is when we define what we want, how much we have to give, when we have made time for it in our lives, or gotten the credentials…

For shits and giggles tho, let’s look at some ideas about this, sometimes it can give us a goal, a time limit (if we are waiting for someone to react), or help our patience.

When looking at our decks each suit can represent a season. There are varying ways to look at this, but I tend towards the school that sees it like this:

Wands – Spring

Swords – Autumn

Cups – Summer

Pentacles – Winter

Think of the energy of the suit: Pentacles are earth energy, so sloooow movement-lots of patience needed here!

Cups are the water element, this energy moves with a natural rhythm, very fluid, so here be open with what comes.

Wands are fire, a little slower than air, but still pretty quick, and HOT!

Swords are air, fast moving, you may get you answer quicker when the swords card come up.

We can also look at the Zodiac sign each card represents as a month that something might happen.

Capricorn/end of December into January The Devil

Aquarius/end of January into February The Star

Pisces/February into March The Moon

Aries/March into April The Emperor

Taurus/April into May The Hierophant

Gemini/May into June The Lovers

Cancer/June into July The Chariot

Leo/July into August Strenght

Virgo/August into September The Hermit

Libra/September into October Justcice

Scorpio/October into November The Death Card

Sagittarius/November into December Temperance

In the end, we have free will, and we control the outcome so it’s better to look at the actions we need to take or, the blocks we need to work through to get to whatever it is we are looking for.

Tarot is a great help in helping us get to know our power. Isn’t that what all magic is for?

Amy NovackComment