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Find your way back to yourself, gaining independence and empowerment with tarot.

books & decks I adore

Books on tarot, spirituality, magic and healing

Rachel Pollack’s book Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self Awareness is a book that people often refer to and has been around for 40 years, a fantastic reference book for your shelf and a great read!

Kitchen Table Magic by Melissa Cyanova is fast becoming my favorite all time book as I read it. And is a great companion for her Kitchen Table Tarot book!

Everyday Magic: Rituals, Spells & Potions to live your best life by Semra Haksever-a great introduction to magic and all the things in the title and so much more! Well written and easy to read, a great reference and a great place to start your magical studies!

Waking the Witch by Pamela Grossman-just so damned good! Part memoir, part foray into our culture and our beliefs about witches. Cannot recommend it enough.

WTF is Tarot by Bakara Wintner A fun, honest and informative book to help you on your path. Just love it!

Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen This is an amazing book, that truly should be in all tarot lovers collections! She is an amazing writer, and super throrough-a great read and a must have reference book!

The Complete Guide to Tarot by Eden Gray This was my first book on tarot, mine is literally in the worst shape ever, but it has so much love I cannot part with it for a new one! A great reference to have.

Pamela Coleman Smith: The Untold Story This book is a compendium of four authors that have spent years researching her life, a huge book that I am not completely through reading, but very thorough about an interesting woman who’s art we are all still enjoying and has had profound affects on us.

The Illustrated Bestiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals (with oracle cards) by Maia Toll. Such a pretty book, that helps us see how the lessons of the animals can teach us about our own lives and attributes. Each animal entry also has a ritual to incorporate their teachings and energy into your life. The author also wrote The Illustrated Crystallary and The Illustrated Herbiary.

Tea Leaf Reading for Beginners by Caroline Dow is an amazing first step in this art. She goes over so much, from history, to the ritual, and give you loads of symbols to help with your reading.

You are NOT too much by Jeanette LeBlanc. Jeanette is a great writer and writing coach, and this book is love notes on heartache, redemption and reclamation. She touches your heart and reminds you to fully feel.

The Book of Awakening my dear friend just gave me this book, but for my birthday and it is exactly where my head is-so I look forward to reading about how to “Have the life I want by being present to the life you have”! Check back for a review.

One of my favorite authors that teaches us to live a mythopoetic life, and be strong women, is Sharon Blackie. She has a new book coming out this fall Hagitude that I cannot wait for. All about reimagining the second half of life. In the mean time check out her books If Women Rose Rooted and my fave: Foxfire, Wolfskin and Other Stories of Shapeshifting Women - I particulary recommned this one be listened to-the readers are amazing. If you loved Women Who Run With The Wolves, this will be right up your alley!

Tarot and Oracle Decks

Smith-Waite Centenial Tarot Deck in a sweet little tin case has become my favorite-portable and about the size of a deck of playing cards, so very nice in you or your client’s hands! I also love (and this was truly the reason I purchased this deck) that Smith’s name is included in the title, and there are two extra cards of her artwork included. Pamela Coleman Smith was the illustrator for this most widely known and used deck. For many years her name was not included. A book about her is included in the book section above.

The Naked Heart Tarot by Jillian C Wilde is also just a gorgeous amazing deck. It is so beautiful - one of the things I love about collecting decks is we see the interpretation of the cards meaning through each individual creators eyes, often deepening our understanding.

Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson - part oracle, part instruction on herbs, and plants and gorgeous illustrations. It has helped me to understand plants and develop a much needed deeper understanding of this art.

The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle has become one of my favorites-check the author out on instagram-amazing! The deck is full of modern images we can all relate to and is a great twist on the tradional Smith - Waite deck. It’s packaging, which may seem like a strange thing to talk about, is fantastic too! A sturdy box and the little book that comes with it is a sweet little hardcover book! There is just so much I love about this deck.

Check my Instagram page for other suggestions-I am sort of a collector of these gorgeous decks!

Business and self improvement

The big leap by Gay Hendricks is such a great book to help you understand how to leave your comfort zone and grow past what holds you back. I read this on audible and it’s narrated by the author. His voice is so comforting and encouraging.

Jenna Matlin has two amazing books out and one on the way. Her Have Tarot Will Travel is a step by step guide to what to expect when working festivals. Her Have Tarot Will Party does the same for setting up to read at parties. Both have been instrumental in growing my own business. She also has a brand new book out now Will You Give Me A Reading

Company of One by Paul Jarvis is a book I am currently reading and is about setting up your business to support your life. Having parameters that make it all work. I will write more when I’m done with it.

The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. People told me to read this book for years, and when I finally did it was life changing. She asks us to examine where we say yes, and to step out of our comfort zone-it is life changing. And if you think you recognize the author’s name, you are right-she wrote Gray’s Anatomy and so many other amazing shows!

And as for fiction anything by Tom Robbins who’s writing has truly shaped me, Neil Gaiman, Steven King, Douglas Adams, and so many more to be added soon! Check back!

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