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Find your way back to yourself, gaining independence and empowerment with tarot.

The Supermoon in August-Pisces Full Moon

On August 30th we have the Full Moon in Pisces, which is also a super moon and a blue moon since it is the second of the month!

The combination of the sun sign and the full moon’s sign is often an interesting mix, and this is definitely one of those times. As we have discusses before the full moon is always in the opposite side of the astrological wheel-which makes for this mix.

Virgo and Pisces are both healers, and helpers. But in different, complimentary ways.

Virgos are the responsible, logistical friend who will do what needs to be done to carry you forward-need dinner? Pet sitter? call your Virgo friend. She will take care of the practical needs for you.

Need a good dinner over a bottle of wine with a box of tissues and a good encouraging ear with a nonjudgmental friend? Call your Pisces friend. She will take care of your heart and emotions.

Virgo=discernment, boots on the ground, logic

Pisces=emotional support, unconditional love

You can see how these two make a powerful combination! Full moons are also times of releasing, times of culling, and letting go of the things that are not working for us, this is where the Virgo and the Pisces work together during this full moon to help us make space for what we truly want to bring in.

Take a moment to sit with this idea, what are you truly grateful for in life? What have you made space for that has helped you grow into who you are today? Is there anything that is holding you back from further growth?

This is the time to release that. Light a little fire in the backyard if you have a firepit, or a fireplace inside, or even just a sweet little candle. Black is good for releasing. And white always works for anything and is very nurturing. You can write down what you want to release on this moon, then burn it-of course always being safe! It is always a good idea to think about how you are going to encourage this release too. Better boundaries, more rest, less scrolling-whatever it is that is going to help you reach your potential.

Then think about what you are clearing the way for. In two weeks, the moon will again be new (September 14th), and you can set some amazing intentions for yourself-now is the time to clear away the rubble of what you do not need-release these things and or people with the unconditional love of a Pisces and the discernment of a Virgo.

One last thing-can you remember what your intentions were 6 months ago, when the new moon was in Pisces? This may be coming to fruition now, those big goals we make on new moons, can carry forward not just to the next full moon, but till the next time it is in that sign. This may be what we need to focus on as we let go of any stuff that is holding us back, think of it as that last push to get that goal done!

Happy Blue Moon!