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Find your way back to yourself, gaining independence and empowerment with tarot.

What are you tuning your dial to?

Our spiritual connection and path is like our favorite station on an old radio- it’s there. And it’s home and comforting, but we have to tune in.

I have found over the years this to be true, but there have also been times that the static of life - ie stress, obligations, others & our own judgement of ourselves, and so many things-have gotten in the way of me tuning in. Of finding that space of practice. Of peace.  Of centering.

Sometimes I haven’t made time for it. Sometimes I have been so sad/mad/angry/whatever I can’t even find it. I truly think most, if not all, of us have been there.

But this is a reminder that its there. I promise. It may be hard to get back to center, but when the stress of whatever subsides, and you can take that first real deep surrender breath you will be happily surprised to find this old station. The old feeling of peace. Of calm. Of connection.  It’s always there. An underlying current of connection. We just need to turn the metaphorical dial back to it. And be gentle with ourselves when we can’t do that. Cause it’s waiting forever for us.

Amy NovackComment